We are Team robolution 18366

A First Tech Challenge team, ready to explore every aspect of STEM (Trumbull, CT)

The Team

We look to explore and invent.

The Legacy

Our team legacy is being carried on by new, and younger members. We are ready to fail and learn from our mistakes, share our knowledge, and explore mentorships, and outreach opportunities.

Our Beliefs

Learning never exhausts the mind.

Knowledge Sharing

We firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn, and we want to be apart of giving out that knowledge. “The secret of getting ahead, is getting started” – Mark Twain. The only way for us to continue the legacy is starting anew, and learning from our mistakes. We have to keep persevering, and learn from others to spread our own knowledge for the entire world to offer.

About Our Team!

Pleasure to see you exploring about us

Here are the general detail on our team. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in Contact Us tab.

General Details

  • Team of 10 members
  • Prioritize learning, passing our knowledge and experience down to our younger members.

Our Goals

  • Competitive engineering process
  • Allocate knowledge to students around the world through outreach
  • Efficient and reliable design with industrial engineering
  • Encourage STEM

Our Robot

Teaching about FIRST to students in India (Motivate)


Inspired to join FIRST and create their own FTC team

  • We met with a school in India to teach them about FIRST and how they can participate
  • In India, many of these students knew about what Robotics was, but they didn’t’ know about FIRST and that with FIRST they could do robotics too
  • We also showed them how a game in FTC works and the outcome of all our work
  • This motivated a lot of them to start a FTC team and this was a very successful presentation
  • There were many kids in the classroom, all around 14-16
  • They were all very interested in the presentation and asked many questions about the robot itself

Collaboration with High School Students From Korea through Machine Learning (Connect)


Improving our collaboration skills and learning about Korean culture

  • Promoted STEM on a worldwide scale and even taught our partner team about FIRST
  • Collaborative machine learning project on gait stability between us and our partner Korean High School
  • Researched using various different articles and models about the different effects and ways that gait stability is affected
  • Used Machine Learning programs to create models and graphs about various factors and their effects on gait stability
  • Demonstrated to the Korean team our progress at various different points and created and sent a video about our final research outcomes

Meeting with Google Project Manager


Improved our team communication and time-management skills and provided insight into how the skills we use in robotics are relevant in the real world

  • We met with Google Project Manager, Mridu Raizada
  • Allowed us to recognize the importance of organizational skills when working on projects
  • Showed us how valuable it is to have communication within every aspect of our team
  • Gave us an idea of how a real tech company works and how these skills are vital for success

AWS DeepRacer Event (ML) (Connect & Motivate)


Motivated 100+ Students and 5+ professors and learnt ML from Amazon Engineers

  • Collaborated with Amazon to organize AWS DeepRacer event at Fairchild Wheeler High School.
  • Educated over a hundred students in hands-on autonomous technologies.
  • Robolution team played a key role in coordinating the event.
  • Praised by the school principal for the impactful initiative.
  • Engagement with Amazon provided valuable insights into autonomous field.
  • Success of the event celebrated on social media, highlighting collaborative strides in advancing machine learning education.



Educated 20+ kids and introduced them to FIRST and the world of robotics

  • Reached out to Jain Center of Connecticut in Stratford Connecticut to help educate and motivate future students about FIRST and STEM
  • We showcased our journey through FIRST, how FIRST has helped us grow and inspired the students to join FIRST and STEM
  • Praised by the parents of the students and helped educating people about STEM and FIRST

Troop 67 & 68 Scout Workshop (Motivate)


Inspired to join FIRST and Robotic Merit Badge

  • Two of our team members are members of two different Boy Scout troops, 
  • So we were able to introduce FIRST to both troops. 
  • We began with a small introduction to the challenge this season. 
  • We then went into depth about the parts of our robot
  • After we did a robot demonstrations
  • In addition to this we taught them the different ways to earn the robotics merit badge
  • We taught over 75 people

Teaching Local Kids and Teens about Programming and CADD (Motivate)


 Educating others and expanding their skills 

  • One of our goals as a FIRST team is to help education our community
  • In Trumbull, CT we have a local program called Trumbull Tutors
  • It is a free and non-profit organization that holds weekly meetings to help mentor youth in our community
  • We partnered up with them to provide free and online, programming and CADDing classes
  • This was very successful as we had 30 students attending each week

Teaching about FIRST (Motivate)


Taught 40+ Students

  • Another goal of ours is to educate our community about FIRST
  • We did this by partnering up with a local hindu temple
  • We presented about FIRST in the Hindu Cultural Center Temple (HCC Temple)
  • This was a massive hit. We had students of all ages attending, and they were very interested in FIRST
  • A total of 40 kids showed up

Mentored Local FLL Team (Motivate)


Allowed the team to succeed and compete at a higher level

  • Dedicated team members assisted a newly established FLL team in preparations for an upcoming competition.
  • Provided instruction to over 15 students, covering FLL and FIRST knowledge.
  • Leveraged former member experience to educate on strategic planning and fundamental FLL competition aspects.
  • Guided students in exploring various approaches for pairing missions with different attachments.
  • Transitioned to a hands-on approach, actively engaging with the robot as students grasped concepts.
  • Emphasized laying the groundwork in the inaugural year, witnessing significant growth in understanding over subsequent meetings.

Thank you for following our journey!

We are grateful, that you have viewed our website. Hope you have earned some knowledge from us that you didn’t have before!

A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Quick Contact

Trumbull, Connecticut 

@2022 Robolution 18366