A First Tech Challenge team, ready to explore every aspect of STEM (Trumbull, CT)
Our team legacy is being carried on by new, and younger members. We are ready to fail and learn from our mistakes, share our knowledge, and explore mentorships, and outreach opportunities.
We firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn, and we want to be apart of giving out that knowledge. “The secret of getting ahead, is getting started” – Mark Twain. The only way for us to continue the legacy is starting anew, and learning from our mistakes. We have to keep persevering, and learn from others to spread our own knowledge for the entire world to offer.
Pleasure to see you exploring about us
Here are the general detail on our team. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in Contact Us tab.
Inspired to join FIRST and create their own FTC team
Improving our collaboration skills and learning about Korean culture
Improved our team communication and time-management skills and provided insight into how the skills we use in robotics are relevant in the real world
Motivated 100+ Students and 5+ professors and learnt ML from Amazon Engineers
Educated 20+ kids and introduced them to FIRST and the world of robotics
Inspired to join FIRST and Robotic Merit Badge
Educating others and expanding their skills
Taught 40+ Students
Allowed the team to succeed and compete at a higher level
We are grateful, that you have viewed our website. Hope you have earned some knowledge from us that you didn’t have before!
Trumbull, Connecticut
@2022 Robolution 18366