Scoring Overview

What is the Autonomous Period?

The autonomous period first 30 seconds. It is when the robot maneuvers its way through the course on its own. Meaning, there is no human operator behind it. Robots operate with pre-programmed instruction alone.


If pixel is placed on Team prop randomized mark tape: ………………… 20 points

If pixel is placed on spiked pixel randomized mark tape: ………………… 10 points

If pixel is placed on back stage: ………………… 3 points

Robot Back stage Parking………………… 5 points


Each pixel placed in the Back drop ……………………… 5 point

Matching backdrop pixel to spike mark indicator…………………. 10 points

Matching backdrop pixel to team prop indicator…………………. 20 points

What is the Driver-Controlled period?

The two-minute Match time period in which the Drivers operate the Robots. Drivers manually control the robot, outside of the field.

Pixel in Backstage: …………… 1 point

Pixel in Backdrop: …………………. 3 points

3 Pixel Mosaic: ……………………… 10 points

Above set line: ………………… 10 Bonus points each line

What is the End game?

The last thirty seconds of the Driver-Controlled period is called the End Game which adds new scoring opportunities for the Robots to achieve.

Bonus Points

Drone Landing Zone 1: ………………. 30 points

Drone Landing Zone 2: ………………. 20 points

Drone Landing Zone 3: ………………. 10 points

Backstage parking: …………………………………. 5 points

Suspending by rigging: …………………………………. 20 points