If pixel is placed on Team prop randomized mark tape: ………………… 20 points
If pixel is placed on spiked pixel randomized mark tape: ………………… 10 points
If pixel is placed on back stage: ………………… 3 points
Robot Back stage Parking………………… 5 points
Each pixel placed in the Back drop ……………………… 5 point
Matching backdrop pixel to spike mark indicator…………………. 10 points
Matching backdrop pixel to team prop indicator…………………. 20 points
Pixel in Backstage: …………… 1 point
Pixel in Backdrop: …………………. 3 points
3 Pixel Mosaic: ……………………… 10 points
Above set line: ………………… 10 Bonus points each line
Drone Landing Zone 1: ………………. 30 points
Drone Landing Zone 2: ………………. 20 points
Drone Landing Zone 3: ………………. 10 points
Backstage parking: …………………………………. 5 points
Suspending by rigging: …………………………………. 20 points